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Owner of the Site

The domain and website “” belong to:
Infotech S.r.l.
registered office in Galleria Spagna 28 Padua Italy
Tax code/VAT number: IT03262490281
Tel. +39.049.8703958


Trademarks and distinctive signs.

All trademarks and other distinctive signs that may be used on the Site or to which reference is made belong to INFOTECH SRL or their respective owners.
Access to the Site does not give the user the right to use such trademarks and distinctive signs without the written permission of their respective and legitimate owners.


Intellectual Property

It is forbidden to reproduce, distribute, publish, copy, transmit, sell, adapt the contents of the Site.

All material published on this Site is protected by intellectual and industrial property rights, in compliance with the regulations in force. The user acknowledges that all rights in question (including, but not limited to, copyrights, patents, know-how, trademark rights regardless of whether they are registered or not) belong to INFOTECH SRL or qualified third parties.

The documentation, images, fonts, graphics, software and other content of the Site, as well as the presentation and processing of the same, and all codes and format scripts to implement the site, are owned by INFOTECH SRL or third parties and are protected by applicable law.
Access to the Site does not give the user the right to appropriate, nor to reproduce, modify, distribute, republish, in any form, even partial, the information contained therein, without the express written permission of the company and / or third party owner of the rights of exploitation and / or reproduction.
In particular, the photos present on the site belong to INFOTECH SRL and are published subject to the release of the subjects portrayed therein. These releases are strictly limited to the publication on the site of INFOTECH SRL: any further and different use is not permitted.



Any links to this Site, by third party sites, can only be made with the written permission of INFOTECH SRL and in any case must be made exclusively to the home page of the Site. Links to internal pages, using techniques such as framing or deep-linking, scraping, data mining, is prohibited.

Any interactive links activated on the Site to sites managed by third parties have been legitimately configured. However, the company does not exercise any control over any information, products, services offered or privacy policies adopted on such sites. Therefore, INFOTECH SRL assumes no responsibility for the content and technical and operational procedures of these external sites, especially with regard to computer security aspects: in this regard, the user is required to take care with appropriate anti-virus systems.
Each “linked” website has its own privacy policy, different and independent from that of the Site, against which INFOTECH SRL does not exercise any verification. Users are therefore requested to carefully review the privacy policies adopted in the sites “linked” by the respective owners of autonomous treatment.

In any case, in the event of any communications from users on the non-reliability of these sites, INFOTECH SRL may, at its sole discretion, suspend the link.



The user is aware that the transmission of data via the Internet cannot achieve absolute levels of security. It is the user’s responsibility to ensure appropriate computer protection mechanisms and to verify the correctness of any data provided. The e-mail addresses on the Site belong to INFOTECH SRL and are managed in accordance with the privacy policy adopted.
INFOTECH SRL can not, in any case, be considered obliged to provide other services in addition to the timely and correct application of security standards imposed by the regulations in force, in particular the application of the security measures referred to in EU Regulation 2016/679 or indicated in subsequent regulations that will come into force, national or European.



The user is invited to consult the privacy policy of this Site as well as the policy on cookies in which the characteristics of the processing carried out by INFOTECH SRL through this Site are specified. If they are configured in the future particular sections of the Site involving specific processing operations, it will be the responsibility of the Owner to provide appropriate information and comply with the charges from time to time dictated by the legislator or the Guarantor Authority for the protection of personal data.

INFOTECH SRL invites users of the Site to periodically consult these Legal Notices and other sections of the Site such as the Information on the processing of personal data (Privacy Policy), the information on the use of cookies (Cookie Policy), in order to check for any updates or changes.t